The High Conservation Value Assessment at Raplex FMU has been conducted by Pinnacle Forest Solutions Sdn Bhd together with Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) team on 14th-26th March 2017 and produced the HCV assessment report in June 2017.
Following up on the 2017 HCV report, the SFM Department and FMU have conducted a field study and mapping activity to confirm and verify information provided by the HCV assessor. In 2018, the SFM Department reviewed Raplex FMU HCV based on mapping and data collected and, at the same time, prepared an HCV management and monitoring plan.
In December 2023, the SFM Department undertook the review of the existing HCV report due to the revision of MC&I (Natural Forest) to MC&I SFM to align with FMU HCV assessment, management, and monitoring report with the Malaysian National Interpretation of High Conservation Values 2018 and Malaysian National Interpretation for the Management and Monitoring of High Conservation Value (HCV) 2021. This also incorporates seven years of HCV monitoring data in the HCV report. The updated HCV is summarised in the table below.

HCV 1 – Protected Area
Referring to letter ref no. WPO.600-3/1/1(8)Jld.4 dated 1st November 2023, FDS requested Raplex FMU to provide 1km buffer zone between Hose Mountain National Park (HMNP). The buffer zone has been mapped in the GP and approved by FDS vide memo ref WPO.600-3/1/1(11)JLD.3 dated 22nd January 2024.
Monitoring the perimeter of the buffer zone for any sign of encroachment will be commenced in 2024.
HCV 1 – Rare, Threatened and Endangered (RTE) Species
Strictly banned of hunting by workers via the implementation of DF circular 6/99. | DF Circular 6/99 was emphasized to the staff and forest workers during RTE awareness briefing conducted on 19th – 23rd June 2023.“NO HUNTING” and requirement of DF Circular 6/99 signboard was display at the base camp, site camp and forest nursery camp. |
Appointment of Honorary Wildlife Ranger | As of 2023, Ta Ann Group (TAG) HWLR consists of 7 forest managers and staff; they are trained by Sarawak Forestry Cooperation (SFC) and officially appointed by the Conservator of Wildlife. In the same year, 10 candidates from TAG were nominated as HWLR and are waiting for training from SFC. |
To educate workers and local communities to identify RTE species and on the need to protect RTE and wildlife. | RTE awareness briefing conducted on 19th – 23rd June 2023. Poster of gazetted Totally Protected and Protected Species of Sarawak under the Wild Life Protection Ordinance is available at base camp, site camp and forest nursery camp. Briefing also conducted during social program at Rh. Punan Bah, Rh. Sekapan Panjang and Rh. Sekapan Piit. |
Controlled entry to the FMU and record all wildlife collected from FMU (if any). | Book record of hunting activities are available at the gate for controlling the hunting activities by the local communities but no hunting activities by local through the gate were recorded in 2023. |
Conduct wildlife survey (i.e. camera trap, rapid survey, opportunistic sighting) for more accurate determination of RTE species and its species composition. | In 2023, two (2) wildlife monitoring activities using camera trap were conducted. Coupe 04A – Post-harvest stage Coupe 05A – Pre-harvest stage As of December 2023, the total wildlife maintained at 123 wildlife species, which are 37 mammals, 75 aves, 7 amphibians and 4 reptilians. |
Monitoring of RTE of flora species through enumeration activity | In Coupe 05A (31 blocks) tree for protection covered 2,160 ha, total tree 935 and 0.44 tree/ha. |
HCV 1 – Endemic Species
To educate workers to identify endemic species and the need for protection. | Tree Identification Checklist has been prepared under SOP TA-SOP-CON-05 Identification and Protection of RTE Species of Flora and Fauna. Protected tree was mapped in tree for protection map. |
HCV 1 – Critical Temporal Use
Ground demarcation and mapping of Sg. Suau salt lick | Sg. Suau salt lick was demarcated with 100m radius buffer zone. The area is also mapped in HCV map and mapping in a detailed harvesting plan will be conducted once operation reached the coupe in 2037/2038. |
Monitor species dependency of salt lick using camera traps | Based on the data collected by SFM from 2017-2023, total five (5) mammals and one (1) bird were recorded. |
HCV 4 – Forest Critical to Erosion Control
Mapping of terrain class IV area as per GP and DP map and followed by mapping on CHP and ground demarcation. | The terrain class IV area was marked in the map as in GP and DP map of Raplex FMU. Ground demarcation of terrain IV will be conducted during Pre-enumeration activities by coupe to coupe continuously. In 2023, Terrain Class IV were demarcated at Coupe 5AR. The demarcation was including Block 2, 3, 4, 6, 14, 15, 21, 25, and 33. |
Periodical monitoring or inspection to ensure that the prescription is adhere to and ensure that no skid trails or tractor-based operation is allowed in the area. | Monitoring has been conducted at terrain IV. No encroachment detected. |
HCV 5 – Basic Needs of Local Communities
Demarcation and mapping of water catchment area located within Raplex FMU | The water catchment has been demarcated on the ground and mapped in HCV map. This will be included in Detailed Harvesting Plan (DP) and Comprehensive Harvesting Plan (CHP) for Coupe 17 (harvesting year 2037/2038). |
Identifying HCV 5 site through consultative process with local community | In 2023, three (3) consultation conducted. No new HCV 5 site was identified. |
To inspect the integrity of demarcated water catchment area | Boundary monitoring conducted in June 2023. No encroachment was observed during the patrolling. |
HCV 6 – Cultural Identity of Local Communities
Mapping and ground demarcation of the area. | FMU has conducted ground demarcation and map Pulau Mali in HCV map. No encroachment detected. Mapping of Pulau Mali into Detailed Harvesting Plan will be conducted once harvesting operation reached Coupe 12 in the year 2031. |
Annual monitoring of boundary and signage | Aerial boundary monitoring conducted on February 2023. No encroachment observed during patrolling. |
Updated on 3 July 2024 by SFM Department